Do you believe it when cyber security solutions claim they’re using AI?

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Member Board of Directors in Finance (non-banking)3 years ago
There are a number of cyber security vendors that claim they have AI embedded in their tools—CrowdStrike comes to mind, among others. They have some automation but it’s not nearly what we would define as AI.
Senior Director, Technology Solutions and Analytics in Telecommunication3 years ago
I would say it's actually machine learning. Claiming that there’s AI is a marketing thing. Even Microsoft claims that they do AI with their endpoint antivirus and Office 365 in the cloud, but I haven't seen any proof that they're doing true AI.
Sr. Director of Enterprise Security in Software3 years ago
Especially in the EDR anti-malware space, every solution right now says it's signatureless detection and behavioral-based recognition, but I think that's just a different kind of signature. You’re just responding to a different pattern. I haven't seen anything that can actually show that there's a SolarWinds breach which it has already shut down, like, “We found this CVE that just came out today in your environment and we've already shut it down.” Show me that product.
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CEO in Manufacturing3 years ago

That's powerful. Zero day plugs immediately.

Director in Software3 years ago
They use process automation, but these machine learning processes often times capture the wrong inputs, leading to corrections and added man hours to certain steps. Can be used for certain processes though.
Founder/CTO in Hardware3 years ago
There are cyber security companies that say they have AI. I don't believe that it is what I think is true AI. I suspect it is more advanced rule sets.

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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