Are increasing data integrations costs becoming an issue for your business? Any work around you would recommend?

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Senior Director in Finance (non-banking)5 years ago
Our challenge is more around the value accrued and integrity and velocity of the data with constantly evolving business model. From our perspective, approaching it with re-useable and standardizing integrations, focussed on the key areas of sales & finance or whatever is important to run the company (customer, prices, discount, commissions, revenue, margin etc.) is the path forward. If we simplify and make it low friction, then costs can be a less of a concern relatively speaking
CTO in Software5 years ago
I'm not a fan of "work arounds", so I'll go with a solution that I've used with great success in the past, that being SnapLogic's iPaaS solution. ( This allows one to continually evolve as data sources ebb and flow.
Director Of Information Technology in Services (non-Government)5 years ago
2 years ago I came into an area where almost all integrations were made with Database links. There were 100 applications each with their own DB instance and all bound by a spiderweb on interdependency. To get through I started looking at various data virtualization technologies. This would allow our systems to share data without the strong coupling of the links.
Two standout technologies I found were Snaplogic and Denodo. Both worked as if they were instant api creators without changing the underlying tech of the source and destination systems. Both have their merits. Feel free to contact me if you want some details.
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Senior VP, Global CTO Hybrid IT in Software5 years ago
There are a number of data integration platforms out there depending on your data sources including platforms like Amazon Redshift. I would start with the end state of what you're looking to do with the data and work backwards. Several of the ISV's in the virtualization space are building data integration including governance into their toolset. I wouldn't be afraid to also build some tools internally  - if you have the capability - as to understand the value of the end state data and the often changing business requirements mean you may want to have a look around the corner a bit before a commitment.
Chief Information Officer in Finance (non-banking)5 years ago
There are many integration as a service platforms for both on-premise and cloud based data sets. It really depends on level of integration and abstraction required for a specific business outcome. It is also important to understand the data lineage and future purpose before deciding on the integration strategy. 

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Director of IT3 months ago
This question is pretty broad and open ended. Automotive industry is huge. 
Presales, Post Sales, Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Process, Assembly Line. There is no single solution, however looking at the growing digital more
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Alignment with Existing IT Skills4%

Product / Feature Set7%

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Eliminate Redundancy30%

Re-negotiate with vendors / take advantage of incentives43%

Shut down / pause what has been inactive13%

Update legacy and leverage emerging / more financially advantageous tools12%

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