When you are architecting an organizational strategy and need to communicate to C-Suite Executives and other key stakeholders who are not well versed in the strategic methodology, operating model, or overarching strategy design -- what techniques have you found to be valuable in communicating effectively complex ideas, and how have you used preferred methods for sharing information to garner buy-in and support?

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Director of ITa month ago
Very thoughtful question and to be fair there are no right and wrong answers to this. It depends on different criterias depending on audiences, org's Way of Working, history of decision making etc. From my personal experience as a CEA have effectively communicated using 1-Page Strategic Plan to the C-Levels and to be fair have worked out pretty well. Of course, it is confined to Technology topics only. 
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Director of Information Security in Softwarea month ago
First, our CIO makes sure of an earlier involvement of the key stakeholders, so they are aware in advance, sometimes (depends on the change) we tailor communication to each stakeholder. In the communication itself – preferable 1-pager which summarized the highlights, we use relatable analogies from their business area, connecting it to company’s strategy and focus areas and infographics to illustrate key points and tell the story effectively. Hope this helps.

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