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CIO in Telecommunication2 years ago
I come from a transformational CIO background and change management outside of IT is critical. Bringing in all these new systems can create a lot of stress for people, especially for those who may not be as computer literate as others. Much of the change management aspect is about understanding the stress at that level. All the new systems in the world won’t help you if your people don't know how to use them, so you need to ensure they have training, education and time to adjust. You have to develop them so that they can be successful in the new organization.  Long term success doesn’t come from being the biggest, strongest, or even the smartest these days, it’s about being the most adaptable. 

Every business is about the people that work there. A business is a corporate entity — it's just a group of people all working together. Your goal is to help those people work together in better ways, with better tools, processes and procedures.
Director of IT in Education2 years ago
With such a small (yet incredible) staff, that carries a multitude of responsibilities, supporting 5,000 users, processing change in an ordered, documented manner, is very important.  The time involved makes the process arduous, at times, due to the consistency of the high demands.

We use self-created forms for helping to manage the change process.  First is team discussion of an idea to address a need; plan is scoped, roles, mile-markers & timeline assigned; regular communication is key; implementation, assessment & follow-up.  Keeps us moving forward 
Senior Manager in Consumer Goods2 years ago
I use to be for several years the Change Manager in my Company.
My approach to change management can be summarized as follows:
- Understand the priority / urgency of the change.
- Create a team to guide the change.
- Communicate the change and relevant impact.
- Define the time line (schedule) for the change implementation.
- Perform the change by setting short-term & long-term targets.
- Communicate the outcome (the result) of the change.
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Director in Manufacturing2 years ago
We follow ITIL process for change control and log the actual changes in Service Now.

General approach: if you ask yourself, “Is what I’m about to do ‘Change Ticket Worthy?’ — the answer is always yes
Chief Technology Officer in Media2 years ago
Successful change management relies on below points:

->Understand Change.
Why you need to change. What are your key objectives?
What will the benefits of the change be to the organization?
->Plan Change.
How will you secure, engage and use high-level support and sponsorship of the change?
think about what success should look like. How will you predict and assess the impact of the change that you need to make? What goals do you need to achieve?
->Implement Change.
->Communicate Change.
The change that you want to implement has to be clear and relevant, so people understand what you want them to do and why they need to do it.

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CFO3 days ago
I recommend that you consider finding an outside third party to perform the audit.  I have had to do something similar with an unprofitable division/product line that reports directly to our CEO. We outsourced with Alvarez ...read more
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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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