Has anyone done any SLA metrics in contracts for Managed Print Services?

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Senior Director of Engineering in Softwarea year ago
What type of Managed Print Services are we talking about? Could you give an example?
Director in Manufacturinga year ago
We had some standard mean time to repair, and delivery of supplies that included paper. Since many of our buildings were large they could have one printer down per floor unless there were more than 8 in which case they could have two down. There was a lot of variation in our buildings. I never felt SLA penalties were the way to go. Getting your money back is hard. Instead reward. If no printer outages reported then a $$$ reward for the month. IMHO
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IT Analyst2 months ago
Following could be SLA matrix for Printing Services:

1. Uptime per printer

2. Repair Time should not be more than 2 days (Repair time = Date on which printer made operational - Date on which the Incidence lodged)

But also, beware of:

1. Late Payment Charges, Insurance Charges
2. Avoid automatic renewal
3. Pick Up and Movement of printer should be vendor's responsibility
4. Do not commit to minimum printing volume
5. Always invite competitive bids

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Sr. Director, Enterprise Applications and IT Services6 days ago
These worked for us:

Stakeholder Engagement - Engage all relevant stakeholders early and continuously throughout the procurement process. 

Adaptible Contracting - Use contracting methods that allow for adjustments ...read more
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VP of IT in Retail16 days ago
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