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CTO in Software4 years ago
I think IT professionals in general are very fearful their jobs are going away. The message that I would deliver is AI-Ops can help make you look smarter, augment you, and make you significantly more efficient in meeting your OKRs. Don't be fearful of it. The Overlords are not coming for your job.
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Senior Director, Defense Programs in Software4 years ago

I’d counter a little that IT professionals are fearful about jobs going away.  So I've talked to anywhere between 20 and 50 agencies and when it comes down to it, most of them want AI OPS so they can focus on the real challenges that machine learning can't figure out for them. They might not be able to do the work to get there, but I haven't met many people who don't want it.   They see it as an augmentation of what they're doing, a real partnership.

Director in Manufacturing3 years ago

If you work in a mature Fortune 100, IT jobs are always going away. However so are accounting, finance, HR, etc. it’s part of the equation to boost earnings per share. It happens every year, boom or bust. The only thing that changed was the percentage of reduction we need to meet. Worst years over 15%, a good year at least 4%. It’s just how it works

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Senior Director, Defense Programs in Software4 years ago
I’m very careful when I have those discussions with people. I make sure the message isn’t that AI Ops will make them less expensive, but that it will enable them to do more, and do more better.
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CTO in Software4 years ago

You can actually meet your SLAs now versus you were never doing that before (meaning that, before, your customer internal or external satisfaction scores were probably pretty low).

Senior Director, Defense Programs in Software4 years ago

And your SLAs can really focus on site reliability, site enhancement, higher order things like that instead of the really silly bug that keeps cropping up.

Director Of Technology in Real Estate4 years ago
We are still just working with algorithms that closely approximate AI, so I don't see it as being an issue.  In it's current state, I can see how it could enhance the IT professional, but I don't see it as something that could effectively replace a human.
Board Member, Advisor, Executive Coach in Software4 years ago
The whole point of automation is to improve efficiency/effectiveness of a business process.  Are the IT folks worried about the automation they installed that altered someone else's job ?  I doubt it ... they should get over the fact their job scope may change due to AI and upskill to where they need to be in order to stay employed.  That is true for any profession ...
Vice President / IT Services / Digital Workplace leader in Software4 years ago
It will definitely take entry level jobs but it should also create some level of additional jobs that people could learn

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