What advice do you have for other leaders looking to foster a more innovative environment?

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VP of IT in Software2 years ago
Be very transparent what the business goals are. Avoid top down management and encourage your entire organization to lead and innovate. Encourage attempts at innovation if they do not ultimately lead to success.
VP, Technology Manager in Education2 years ago
Encourage collaboration and sharing of ideas and then be prepared to invest in them. Prepare your team for failures and be up front about the expectations for lots of trial and error. It only takes a little bit of success to help everyone forget about previous problems.
Head of Enterprise Technology Services in Software2 years ago
Building an organisation that is psychologically safe where employees feel their ideas are recongised and they are entrusted to try new ideas/tools & fail without fear
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CTO in Services (non-Government)2 years ago
First is hiring - hire people who want to work in dynamic, innovative environments. I have found candidates who have enjoyed working in large corporations or government where every workflow is documented and there is a process for everything often do not have a good culture fit with innovative workplaces. But those that have had exposure to those button down environments and could not wait to escape have made some of the best contributions from my teams.

Second is make failure acceptable. If someone presents an idea or project that isn't going to work then spend the time explaining why it won't in a positive way. Thank them for their idea, and reward them for putting it forward.
Director Certifications in Education2 years ago
Encourage open and free discussions with employees by engaging them to share ideas and create a transparent environment. This will help to down bureaucratic corporate barriers and organization silos. Embrace experimentation and encourage employees to take risk.

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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