What is more important to your IT organization?

Optimize IT Costs65%

Support digital initiatives34%

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Director Certifications in Education5 years ago
IT Governance Officer in Insurance (except health)5 years ago
Cloud Service
Director of IT in Finance (non-banking)4 years ago
IT doesn’t exist to reduce the cost of IT
2 2 Replies
CEO in Software3 years ago

Hey, that's my line! :)

Director of IT in Finance (non-banking)3 years ago

I learn from the best!

CEO in Software3 years ago
I'm surprised and a little disappointed by the results of this survey. 

Optimizing costs is something ever department does, it's not what is "most important", except for emergency circumstances.

On the other hand, supporting digital initiatives should be well accepted now as critical to the future of the company. 

A caveat:
"Optimizing costs" across the enterprise can have more importance as a focus area, especially in times of serious budget constraints. However, optimizing costs in IT is and should be a table stakes activity, but not job one.
10 5 Replies
CIO / Managing Partner in Manufacturing3 years ago

Agree with you Mark, but unfortunately that is the reality in all too many organizations.

Director of Information Security in Energy and Utilities3 years ago

Typical of most orgs to see short term gain by optimizing the budget vs. seeing the longer picture of your ROI being 10X if you invest in digital initiatives (not to mention that if you don't your chances of going the way of the dodo bird rise accordingly). I think the poll results were fairly reflective of what most responders are seeing in their orgs unfortunately.

Director of Engineering in Finance (non-banking)3 years ago
When cutting cost is more important that innovation you ask yourself 'what am I doing here?!'

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Alignment with Cloud Provider7%


Alignment with Existing IT Skills4%

Product / Feature Set7%

Vendor Relationship / Reputation

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Head of Enterprise Architecture MERCK Group in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
Strategy & Architecture
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Acquiring new clients and projects20%

Keeping up with evolving technologies and testing methodologies52%

Building a strong reputation and establishing credibility in the industry53%

Adapting to changing client demands and expectations40%

Ensuring effective communication and collaboration with clients and development teams21%

Developing effective pricing strategies and staying profitable14%

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