We have been hearing so much about AI Chat and how it's going the "change everything". Perhaps we are hearing too much? Or its dominating / distracting from other business issues? How has it affected your business?

Enhances the business27%

No effect on the business46%

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Negatively affecting the business9%

Too early to determine19%

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Director of Data and AI in Bankinga year ago
I think people read the news about chatGPT and immediately dismiss the concept because who cares about chatbots.  

But what if the next major programming language was English?  What if you analysts could write what they wanted in a project management app and it produced clear requirements (based on previous projects) with pre-created test cases and code for programmers to assemble into the larger system.  What if your just asked your reporting platform for what you needed?

I don't think making English* a universal language to solve your business issues is a distraction.

It's going to be an interesting quarter as we approach retail season and M365 co-pilot shows people the power of this type of interaction.  The first wave of products is starting to hit so I'm curious if that changes, https://www.morningstar.com/products/Morningstar-Intelligence-Engine

*Feel free to insert your native tongue, I recognize that LLMs know more languages than English.
CMOa year ago
I love the innovation taking place. As a Citizen Developer myself, I see low code, no code still have complexites but having AI alongside to guide and help shape...its a win. 

That said, I 100% believe you need the basics FIRST. Not AI first. Imagine a place where we have AI build all those apps we need. One needs to change or breaks. Who will understand it enough to be able to engage and decide what to alter?

For me, AI is still a way off that step but its coming in 2-3 years perhaps. 
CEO in Services (non-Government)a year ago
I am very curious about the responses that had no effect in your business m, reason is there are many activities that can benefit from generative AI and are low hanging fruits and most likely employees are using generative AI tools without companies knowing. My suggestion is spend some time learning what is possible, where it helps and what is simply hype.
CEO in Hardwarea year ago
Right now, AI is a bright and shiny toy. It instills shock and awe, and many people are jumping in to test its limits. I predict there will be an initial and perhaps lengthy honeymoon with this technology and we'll see an initial boost to productivity. Over time, however, I also predict that we'll become so reliant upon AI that people will lose their creative edges and will ask AI to do their thinking for them. This is the real danger of AI.
CSO in Constructiona year ago
AI will become a normal technology we leverage to advance society. Just like the internet. 

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VP of IT in Retail3 days ago
If you have a full Gartner license, they have a benchmarking tool that maps out to your industry.  It was useful for my needs.
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