What is the timeframe for executing your organization's return to office plan?

It has already begun.37%

We will begin in the next month.33%

We will begin in the next 3 months (the second half of 2021).16%

We will begin in 2022.6%

I am unsure.5%

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CEO in Software3 years ago
Return to office?
4 2 Replies
Community Manager in Software3 years ago

Hey ! I think this question is specifically in relation to Orgs who moved to remote work during the pandemic, but are now reopening offices for employees to return to. Have you heard a different phrase used for these types of plans?

CEO in Software3 years ago

My point was that I’m not planning a “return to office” and many others aren’t as well. The poll didn’t really give an option for “Not”. :)

VP of Marketing in Services (non-Government)10 months ago
No return to the office planned. We were always (>10 years) a WFH/WF client/WF office type of company.
Director of Analyst Relations in Software3 months ago
We have no plan to return. There isn't an option for that answer. 
Director of IT in IT Services3 months ago
Seems this question is not relevant in 2024.

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