Which of these is the biggest shortcoming of an organisation's leadership/management?

Trusting inaccurate data7%

Relying on obsolete/outdated technology48%

Rigidity in following budgets and plans28%

Forgetting the big picture of the organizational existence8%

Not involving all stakeholders6%

Something else (I will write it in comments)

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IT Manager in Construction7 months ago
Hello, I am for something else... Lack of vision. The big picture is something different in my opinion, the vision is an horizontal skill with a vertical core mission.
IT Manager in Construction7 months ago
I have shared on my feed several notes about this interesting topic. Instead of linking it, I prefer to copy and paste what I said there:

✔ Relying on Obsolete/Outdated Technology (49%):
I believe that the reliance on obsolete or outdated technology, as indicated by 49% of the respondents, represents a significant shortcoming within organizational leadership and management. There may be an underlying fear or realization among leaders that their current technological resources are insufficient to meet the required outcomes or provide the necessary protection.
So... Don't be afraid to make your voice heard and ask what you need 🎓

✔ Rigidity in Following Budgets and Plans (25%):
In my opinion here is where the mindset stands out: I believe that the rigidity in following budgets and plans, as observed by 25% of the respondents, could indeed stem from a lack of managerial skills. Effective leadership requires a balance between discipline and adaptability. Managers with a rigid mindset towards budgeting and planning may lack the skills to dynamically reassess and adjust strategies in response to changing market conditions or unforeseen events.
So... Flexibility. 🎓

✔ Forgetting the Big Picture of the Organizational Existence (11%):
It is something I seen... Sometimes leaders get so focused on the everyday stuff that they forget the big picture. When you're stuck dealing with tiny problems and quick wins, it's easy to lose sight of the company's actual long-term goals.
So... Vision 🎓

✔ Trusting Inaccurate Data (9%):
I think one of the biggest problems leaders face today is making decisions based on bad info (but of course they are not aware of that). We're in this time where everyone talks about data this, data that, it's supposed to help us make better choices. But what happens if the data itself is wrong?
The quality of the information we use is so important now, way more than it used to be.
So... Quality over Quantity. 🎓

✔ Not Involving All Stakeholders (6%):
On this point, my interpretation is threefold: stakeholders include
1️⃣ Internal business/top management;
2️⃣ The work team itself;
3️⃣ External entities like partners, vendors, and collaborators....
So... Leadership, EI and Soft-Skills. 🎓

✔ Something Else (I will write it in comments) (1%):
I am this 1% 😎

I believe in the leader's abilities and their leadership, but the company must be able to rely on and trust their vision, even if it's not clear, even without an immediate return on investment.
Hence, my advice is directed at Companies: give freedom of action to those you have appointed to top roles, because their mission is to make you shine. 🎓

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