What skill set do you find most lacking in marketing job candidates today?

Data analytics and interpretation21%

Creative and content creation15%

Digital marketing and SEO/SEM9%

Strategic planning and execution50%

Something else (comment below)3%

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Communications Manager in Finance (non-banking)6 months ago
In junior functions, usually the gap between college reality and the one on the workfloor. Other is, how to get things done within the organisation. 

Always challenging is the bigger picture, the promotion from specialist to a more experienced or broader function.
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Community User in Software6 months ago

Any advice you'd offer those who are looking for the bigger picture so they can move into a broader function?

Head of Product & Brand Marketing6 months ago
I voted for data analytics but more specifically, tying effort to impact in a deliberate manner. I often find people will have a laundry list of things they want to do but fail to think about the expected outcome first, and then work back to decide what should be done and how each activity will ladder up to the ultimate goal.

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