API breaches17%

Open source & code vulnerabilities29%

Automated website fraud (formjacking, bad bots, Credential stuffing, account takeovers etc.)40%

Insider threats (Excessive permissions, phishing, etc.)12%

Other (comment below)1%

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Cyber Threat Intelligence and Incident Response Manager in Software3 years ago
I believe the only threat we are still failing to create a solution for is the Human Element. We can implement systems to mitigate some risks from phishing insider threat. However, I feel like building that Security culture is the biggest factor.

Once the Security culture is built, it's about maintaining it
4 2 Replies
Information Security Analyst in Software3 years ago

Is it possible that a security culture can be obtained by choosing solutions which get employee buy-in? Noise-free type of solutions which require little to no engagement/friction?

Cyber Threat Intelligence and Incident Response Manager in Software3 years ago

Right-hand have a micro learing that give regular bites sized modules to continue the engagement. Without taking huge chunk of time


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Manager, Cybersecurity in Travel and Hospitalitya month ago
Being transparent
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