What do you prioritize the most in a job?

Benefits (healthcare, paid time off, etc.)7%

Hours flexibility23%

Location flexibility18%


Work-life balance14%

Workplace culture10%

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Managing Partner, Partnerships & Strategy in Software3 years ago
Culture eats strategy for breakfast
—Peter Drucker
Global Vice President of Sales in Software3 years ago
This survey should have removed Salary as an option b/c that is the most common answer. It would have been more insightful to ask the question "Beyond Salary, what is the most valuable component when looking for a new job?"
7 3 Replies
Global Director Logistics in Consumer Goodsa year ago

Indeed. I prefer to view salary as almost a negative motivator. No matter how much one is paid, you always want more.

Chief Information Officer in Educationa year ago

Hmm Salary isn't leading as much as you may think it is. 
I would give up some salary for __________ . 

Senior Vice President, Product Design and Data Analytics in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago
“Culture, more than products or services, is what differentiates an organization from competitors, both in the minds of customers and of employees.”

– Joe Tye, CEO and Head Coach, Values Coach Inc.

Wonder why it’s scoring the lowest here! I definitely focus on this dimension that can make or break a team or company even.
2 1 Reply
Director, Global Talent Management in Manufacturinga year ago

I agree and also find it interesting that culture is scoring so low.  Culture is the foundation for many of the other items on the list.

Senior Product Marketer in Software2 years ago
I really think that culture encompasses all the others. If an organization has an employee-centric culture, seeing employees as assets rather than resources, then compensation, work-life balance and flexibility become given. 
2 1 Reply
Global Director Logistics in Consumer Goodsa year ago

I agree to a point, I do have experience though of an organization where the culture could be described as 'toxic', however, the C&B and work-life balance was fine. It was still a very difficult place to work.

CIO in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
#1 is the work.   If the work isn't interesting and fun, I'm out.   Fun for me thought is different from most people.   I need to fix things, build things, grow things.   Running operations, status quo, not for me no matter what else is offered.

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