Here is a kicker for the New Year, what do you see as the biggest impediment to the C-Suite going from surviving to thriving?

Team Work (lack of)31%

Personal Time (not enough)52%

Professional Development (need more)52%

Team Retreat (need to re-connect)18%

Tech Education/Simplification10%

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CIO in Education2 years ago
Interesting question. I'm actually thinking through a scenario now, wherein the macro economy may actually start showing signs of impact in my industry, where tech goes backwards and costs are cut because of erroneous and dated assumptions.
2 1 Reply
CEO in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago

Exactly! My experience is that many a c-suite don't look at the longer term movement of the economy nor the longer term affect of decisions (understandably in part to the quarter to quarter pressure on my Execs from Board s and investors). But as a result, there are knee jerk reactions, and tech/IT always seem to be deemed the first on the chopping block despite the long term value to success.

CIO / Managing Partner in Manufacturing2 years ago
None of the above! I would say confidence is the biggest factor. Being confident that they can move forward, that any recession will not have massive impact etc.
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CEO in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago

That's a good add and in conjunction with a response I made above, being able to fight back the quarterly pressures to look at the longer term is not for the feint of heart, hence how few actually do that.

Senior Executive Advisor in Software2 years ago
I would add courage (willingness to take risks, taking a stance on trigger actions/polarizing topics/unpopular opinions, etc.)  as a significant impediment to the C-suite to move from surviving to thriving
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CEO in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago

Great insight, and sadly very true as the need for entrepreneurial spirit needs to be maintained in one form or another regardlessregardless of size

CPO in Travel and Hospitalitya year ago
I selected Team Work, but it is bigger than that.  It is shared alignment on strategy and vision on a longer term goal(s).  The places where I've seen the c-suite struggle the most is where each person is operating in the best interest of their department or their goals, but not focusing on the big company goals and not making trade-offs from their self-interests to the larger company interests.
Sustainable Supply Chain Adviser in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
I'd add a provocative option to the list and good to see the insights from others, especially the ones on the long-term approach instead of the quarterly pressure and focus.

Based on my perception, there are quite a few people in C-suit who don't belong there, they just got appointed for some reason and loved the package that comes with it, but they don't like it, they don't want to improve their gaps in skills, they have a personal agenda instead of company agenda etc.....the list is long and it contributes to the surviving instead of thriving situation.

Same is true for board members in many cases.

Many who get to the door simply don't realise how much of a responsibility it will be, they don't have a plan, they rarely get any support (professionally or psychologically), but the expectations are increasing every year.

So I'd add these points to the list: psychological wellbeing and actual readiness for the position.

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Director of HR5 days ago
Sounds brilliant.  Cross fertilisation of ideas, people understanding other jobs in the business.  I guess you'd want to make sure it didn't get out of control, but someone from one function helping someone in another has more
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Job-related stress will remain stable59%

Job will become less stressful8%

Other (please comment)1%

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Human Factors (fears, mental health, physical spacing)85%

Technical / IT Factors (on-premise tools, pivoting back away from remote)14%

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