If you had to bet the future of your IT organization on GenAI or human innovation, which would you choose?



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IT Manager in Construction5 months ago
What do you mean as Human innovation?
Strategic Banking IT advisor in Banking3 months ago
I was surprised by the high number of participants who had selected "GenAI".

Sometimes, I hear criticism about the fact that IT people push non-required features.   Kind of "Eh, we all know, once again IT folks is having a new Techno Trip".

I can't imagine when GenAI coming up with new things by itself ;-)
CIO in Finance (non-banking)3 months ago
GenAi is a human innovation, no?
CISO in Hardware2 months ago
This would be called the "Big Bang Development Methodology,"  a big flash and the application is done. 

The problem occurs when the requirements are 100 percent correct, issues are discovered early on, nothing needs a change or customization, the vendor is wrong, there are flawed assumptions, etc.

AI can write code and do it as well as humans, but it sucks at designing an application. It needs data to understand and have context.  It would be like trying to teach a calculator long division.

Cybersecurity Architect in Finance (non-banking)2 months ago
I feel the poll is flawed without an option for both or for human staff augmented by AI. For those of us already embracing AI, it's clear that it significantly boosts productivity in the modern workplace. As we grow more adept at leveraging AI, we can expect a substantial productivity surge over the next two years.

To @Richard Rushing's point, AI's effectiveness hinges on the quality of prompts and problem formulations provided by humans. As we refine this skill, the synergy between humans and AI will exponentially increase, fostering a sort of symbiotic partnership in innovation. Ideally, this collaboration will advance our collective goals for improving life on Earth and beyond.

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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4.8k views2 Upvotes5 Comments

Yes, significantly19%

Yes, somewhat62%

I'm neutral 14%

No, not really5%

No, not at all

View Results

Taking advantage of GenAI 67%

Implementing business process automation33%

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