Is all this hype about CHAPT GPT, Bing+ and all the AI tools that have come into the public of value or a distraction to your business and digital transformation plans?



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Neither value nor distraction17%

Not sure6%

What AI?

7.5k views7 Upvotes14 Comments
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Chief Technology Officer in Softwarea year ago
Value surely
CFO Advisory Partner in Softwarea year ago
Value. used in the right cases.
1 1 Reply
CEO in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago

Exactly Wayne, the context on how it is used and what AI tool is used plays a huge role in that value (or not)

Chief Data Officer in Softwarea year ago
Its a massive value - as its helping to provide real-world, tangible examples of how AI can be operationalized across a myriad of potential use cases for our stakeholders.  Literally overnight we've gone from AI as largely a theoretical construct, to something that everyone can get their hands on and generate value from.    
2 1 Reply
CEO in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago

No question it can be.. bt it is very much a "buyer beware" regarding understanding the coding limitations and how/when/when data access (as an example, CHATGPT with an API add-in access databases p to 2021)

Director, Experience Design in Educationa year ago
I think that these developments - like all technology developments - must be considered. They are neither a distraction, nor are they a silver bullet. But they merit attention and consideration.
1 1 Reply
CEO in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago

Agreed Angle, they are enabling tools like most technology

Head of Sales in Softwarea year ago
I've found significant value in using it to test ideas or thoughts
1 2 Replies
CEO in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago

No questions they can enable support on that side, but you/we must be aware of the built in biases (intended or not) as to what is being tested

Head of Sales in Softwarea year ago

Absolutely. Right now the good news is, it seems pretty easy to spot the biases. It will not always be this way though, to be sure.

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VP of IT in Retail3 days ago
If you have a full Gartner license, they have a benchmarking tool that maps out to your industry.  It was useful for my needs.
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Director of Data4 days ago
In my opinion, Advancements in AI and related data field have significantly enhanced our Master Data Management (MDM) strategy by automating data quality, integration, and governance processes. AI algorithms help identify more
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