How often does your company abandon a SaaS solution due to lack of use?

We abandon 1 of every 2 solutions (50%)18%

1 of every 3 (33%)38%

1 of every 5 (20%)24%

Less than 20%19%

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IT Analyst6 days ago
Viva Engage is very good alternative to Workplace.
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Head of Enterprise Architecture MERCK Group in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
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Yes, but it doesn’t exist yet26%

Yes, and it already exists44%

No, but I wish22%

No, and I don’t think it needs to8%

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IT Manager in Education10 days ago
Broadcom has a history of acquiring companies (such as CA Technologies and Symantec's enterprise division) and focusing on maximizing profitability, often through cost-cutting. This could mean:

1) Reduced Innovation: more
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