What is currently the single most important ESG metric to investors?

Climate change & carbon emissions28%


Board composition16%

Inclusion & diversity18%

Human rights & labor standards8%

Political contributions

Other (explain in the comments)2%

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3.1k views3 Upvotes1 Comment
Group Risk Manager in Miscellaneousa year ago
Hi all
I would like to ask about the insights commentary starting "Relative to those in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting industry, respondents in Software / professional services are * times more likely to select 'Deforestation'". Wondering where this insight comes from.  I am in the fishing industry and in these forums always select "other when replying to insights and surveys as primary industries are not included in the industry types we can select.
Looking forward to hearing more about this.

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Human Factors (fears, mental health, physical spacing)85%

Technical / IT Factors (on-premise tools, pivoting back away from remote)14%

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IT Analyst13 days ago
Involving architects, and ideally engineers as well, early in the strategy development process is crucial. Typically, business leaders drive the initial sustainability strategy, but for any strategy to be successful, cross-functional ...read more
115 views1 Upvote1 Comment

We have adopted cyber insurance already30%

We're planning to adopt cyber insurance in the next 12 months46%

We're not planning to adopt cyber insurance18%

I am unsure what cyber insurance is4%

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