Which Cloud Security solution will you most likely consider a startup vendor for?

Cloud Workload Protection (CWP)23%

Identity & Access Management (IAM)42%

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)20%

Open Source & Code Security8%

Compliance Automation6%

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IT Manager in Manufacturing3 years ago
IT Manager in Education3 years ago
IT Manager in Software3 years ago
Zero Trust Network
CTO for Digital & IT in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
I'm intrigued by the results that came out. I would have thought that folks would be more ready to leverage startups for things like security scans / compliance scans / code scanning, as opposed to IAM, ZTNA and the like that
- have time-critical / mission-critical impacts if they fail and thus require a more mature support organization behind them (not saying that startups can't offer good support, but it can be overwhelming
- have a lot of "ecosystem" ties into a wider security mesh architecture where you typically require a broad but mostly single-vendor stack of products (particularly for ZTNA in this list).

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Vice President, Software Engineering6 days ago
There are plenty of sophisticated platforms that provide ECM capabilities like OpenText (xECM, Content Server, Documentum), Hyland (Nuxeo, Alfresco, OnBase), Microsoft SharePoint (best suited for collaboration), IBM Filenet. 
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IT Analyst6 days ago
Viva Engage is very good alternative to Workplace.
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Yes, but it doesn’t exist yet26%

Yes, and it already exists44%

No, but I wish22%

No, and I don’t think it needs to8%

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