2024 Sales Challenges and Lessons Learned

What obstacles do sales leaders expect to encounter as they strive to achieve their 2024 goals? Explore the anticipated challenges and lessons learned in 2023.


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One minute insights:

  • Sales leaders most commonly report market competition as the biggest challenge to achieving their 2024 priorities

  • Talent attraction and closing skill gaps are the biggest talent-related hurdles

  • Even faced with these challenges, confidence is extremely high for 2024

Market competition is a key threat to achieving 2024 goals

54% of sales leaders personally think market competition may pose the biggest challenge to achieving their 2024 priorities1. 48% think budget restrictions, and 44% think executive leadership alignment.

Which of the following do you personally think may pose the biggest challenges to achieving those priorities1 in 2024? Select all that apply.


Organizational cultural resistance to change 38% | Geopolitical uncertainty 36% | Talent issues 36% | Supply chain disruptions 34% | Team morale 14% | Technical debt 14% | Wider economic issues 12% | Other 2% | None of these 0% Other response: “Recruiting”

n = 50

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Question: What 2023 challenge did you learn the most from, and what lessons will you apply to your 2024 strategy?

We realized the heavy importance of market research especially in the current sales state, which is heavily influenced by social media.

Director, transportation industry, 10,000+ employees

Prospecting is tough. People don't want to be first with a new product.

C-suite, professional services industry, <1,000 employees

Recruiting and skill gaps highlight key talent hurdles

Over half of sales leaders say talent attraction and recruitment (60%) and skill gaps and training needs (52%) could pose obstacles to achieving their sales organization’s 2024 strategic priorities.

Which talent-related issues, if any, do you personally think could pose the most significant obstacles to achieving your sales organization's top three strategic priorities in 2024? Select all that apply.


Employee engagement and motivation 28% | None - I don’t foresee any talent-related obstacles 10% | Adjustment to in-office working requirements 6% | Other 0%

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Question: What 2023 challenge did you learn the most from, and what lessons will you apply to your 2024 strategy?

Biggest challenge was the turnover and recruitment of new talent, and we are aiming to improve benefits and recruitment for 2024.

VP, professional services industry, <1,000 employees

Despite obstacles, confidence in sales impact on overall success is soaring

94% of respondents are confident (32%) or very confident (62%) that their sales organization will play a pivotal role in their organization's success in 2024.

How confident, or not confident, are you that your sales organization will play a pivotal role in your organization's success in 2024?


Not at all confident 0% | Prefer not to say 0%

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Question: Do you have any final thoughts to share on your personal opinions about your sales organization's priorities and planning for 2024?

We focus on being authentic and maintaining a proactive team, this has undoubtedly been an advantage for our work.

Director, professional services industry, <1,000 employees

In their own words...

Question: What 2023 challenge did you learn the most from, and what lessons will you apply to your 2024 strategy?

Measuring channel effctiveness in lead generation and business development. Learned new techniques for scheduling appointment[s] at tradeshows where we exhibit. The cost of SDRs vs trade shows, vs. lead gen companies. Volume, quality, opportunity size vary. Learning how to measure value. AI development projects have been huge learning opportunities.

- C-suite, professional services industry, <1,000 employees

The biggest challenge...has been the level of uncertainty for businesses which has led to slowing down or reducing investment in certain types of IT transformation projects. Going forward into 2024 we need to ensure that we are prepared to best fit organizations changing requirements as they cope with uncertainty, reflecting this in our products, services and go to market positioning so that we are in the best position to serve organizations changing priorities.

- C-suite, transportation industry, <1,000 employees

Respondent Breakdown
