Omnicloud: The Future of Cloud Computing?

About this report

Data collection: June 8 - November 14, 2022

Respondents: 300 IT leaders

Omnicloud computing is capable of connecting many different platforms virtually without the need for on-premises servers. For IT leaders, that addresses a key need for secure, scalable systems. Is omnicloud the future of cloud computing? Read on to find out.

One minute insights:

  • Cloud iconMost IT leaders are planning to implement or are in the process of implementing omnicloud computing
  • graph up line bar iconOmnicloud computing is more scalable than alternatives, which makes it an attractive addition for IT operations
  • Piggybank pig money iconThe cost associated with moving data between clouds is a top concern for industry executives
  • Screenshot 2023-12-04 at 12.00.26IT leaders expect omnicloud computing to eventually become the standard for their industry
  • Thumbs Up icon handThe E-Commerce, software, and finance industries stand to benefit the most from omnicloud’s capabilities

Tech leaders are successfully rolling out omnicloud computing within their organizations

How informed are you about omnicloud computing?

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Most (61%) respondents know how omnicloud works, though only 10% consider themselves experts on the topic.

n = 300

Is your organization planning to deploy omnicloud computing?

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The majority (86%) of respondents are either planning, developing, or deploying omnicloud computing within their organization.

n = 300

Most respondents felt pleased with their organization’s deployment of omnicloud — 81% ranked themselves as very or moderately satisfied with the process.

Are you satisfied with your organization’s deployment of omnicloud?

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Too early to tell 0%

n = 16

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[Omnicloud computing] is definitely worth the effort in many industries. However the CEO and board may not understand this yet.

Director, software industry, 10,000+ employees

Omnicloud’s top benefits are its scalability, simplicity, and security

What do you view as the key benefits of an omnicloud deployment?

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For 70% of respondents, omnicloud’s improved scalability is one of its key benefits. Simplified data analytics, improved security, and reduced data latency were also key considerations.

Improved business agility 29%, Easier to use 20%, None of these <1%, Other <1%

n = 218

Adoption will grow as the technology matures and use cases expand.

Director, professional services industry, 10,000+ employees

IT leaders expect omnicloud computing adoption to spread, despite costs

More than half (52%) of respondents said that the financial implications of moving data between clouds is one of the main barriers limiting omnicloud adoption.

What are the main barriers limiting omnicloud adoption?

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Too challenging to move data between clouds 28%, Too difficult to orchestrate compute and workloads between multiple clouds and resources 21%, End-user skepticism (i.e., lack of trust) 18%, Unforeseen regulatory/governance challenges 11%, Too difficult to manage application and service traffic throughout the application stack 10%, None of these 1%, Other <1%

n = 300

How long do you think it will take before omnicloud computing becomes the standard?

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Despite any obstacles to adoption, 32% of respondents expect omnicloud computing to become the standard within 1 to 2 years.

n = 300

Arguably, organizations have a lot of learning/work to do internally to grow across regions with a provider before moving to multiple providers.

VP, software industry, <1,000 employees

IT leaders believe that omnicloud computing will play a role in business in the future, and will offer the greatest benefits for the E-Commerce and software industries

More than half (58%) of respondents expect omnicloud to play an impactful role in business going forward. Most did not characterize it as fundamental, however.

What level of impact do you think omnicloud computing will have on business in the future?

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Which industries do you think would most benefit from omnicloud computing?

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E-commerce (53%), software (48%) and finance (47%) are the top three industries that respondents expect to benefit the most from omnicloud’s computing capabilities.

Government 20%, Shipping, warehousing & logistics 18%, Manufacturing 17%, Biotech & scientific R&D 15%, Educational services 13%, I think all industries would benefit equally 11%, Utilities 5%, Oil, Gas & Mining 5%, None of these 1%, Other 0%

n = 300

Cloud Computing will contribute big for IoT and connected devices.

Director, software industry, 10,000+ employees

OmniCloud is the next logical step in the evolution of The Cloud. We have many more steps until it is mature, and until it is replaced by biomech to human brain interfaces.

C-suite, other services industry, <1,000 employees
A lightbulb

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Respondent Breakdown

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