Measuring Sales Effectiveness

About this report

Data collection: November 9th, 2022 - August 1st, 2023

Respondents: 100 sales professionals

Sales organizations invest in sales enablement and sales operations to remain competitive, but how are they measuring the effectiveness of their teams and reps?

One minute insights:

  • Thumbs Up icon handAlmost half of respondents are completely satisfied with the way their organization tracks sales effectiveness
  • check square survey iconMonthly or quarterly pipeline health checks are most common
  • speed circle line iconPercentage of sales reps achieving quota is the top ranked metric for measuring sales effectiveness
  • Improvement arrow graph iconNearly all respondents cite using scorecards to evaluate their frontline sales reps

Organizations are effectively measuring their sales teams via updated buyer persona tracking and frequent pipeline health checks

94% of respondents are completely (45%) or somewhat satisfied (49%) with the way their organization measures or tracks the effectiveness of its sales teams.

How satisfied are you with the way your organization measures or tracks the effectiveness of its sales teams?

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Three-quarters of respondents report that buyer personas are re-evaluated quarterly (50%), monthly or more frequently (25%).

How frequently are buyer personas re-evaluated and updated?

Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 10.43.18

Monthly (41%) and quarterly (52%) pipeline health checks are most common among sales teams.

How frequently is the sales pipeline analyzed to assess health?

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Leadership and manager driven metrics tracking is not just for measuring sales effectiveness, but helping organizations identify high potential opportunities

Sales manager (79%) and sales leadership (72%) were the most commonly selected teams responsible for tracking sales metrics.

What teams at your organization are responsible for tracking sales metrics? Select all that apply.

Group 1 (28)

Other 0%

n = 100

What metrics does your organization use to identify high-potential customers or opportunities? Select all that apply.

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To identify high-potential customers or opportunities, 58% of respondents report that their organization uses the customer’s current CV as a metric. 53% use time from MQL to SQL.

Other 1%

Other response: “Customer profile”

n = 100

Sales professionals rank the percentage of sales reps achieving quota as the top metric for evaluating the effectiveness of a sales organization. Average sales cycle length and annual on-target earnings were ranked second and third.

Please rank the following metrics for gauging the effectiveness of your sales organization from most to least important.

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#4 Churn rate | #5 Opportunity win rate | #6 New hire time-to-productivity | #7 Average deal size

n = 100

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Question: Do you have any final thoughts to share on how sales effectiveness is measured or evaluated at your organization?

We have moved to measuring effectiveness of marketing and sales together which is helpful in identifying how performance improvements impact different areas of the customer journey.

C-suite, Software, 2-10 employees

CRM tools and scorecards are used to monitor and evaluate sales pipelines and front line representatives

What tool do you primarily use to monitor your organization’s sales pipeline?

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Salesforce (41%) and HubSpot (29%) are the most commonly used tools to monitor the sales pipeline. 0% | 0%

Other responses: “CRM”, “Focus CRM”, “Internal”

n = 100

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Do you or managers on your team utilize sales scorecards to evaluate front line reps?

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83% report using sales scorecards to evaluate front line reps.

n = 100

Of those using scorecards (n=83), 96% believe they are highly (45%) or somewhat (51%) effective.

How effective are those scorecards in achieving the desired outcome or behavior change?

Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 10.55.49

Somewhat ineffective 0% | Highly ineffective 0%

Note: Question only shown to those who answered “Yes” to the question “Do you or managers on your team utilize sales scorecards to evaluate frontline reps?”

n = 83

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Question: Do you have any final thoughts to share on how sales effectiveness is measured or evaluated at your organization?

Raising the middle performers to higher achievement is the emphasis.

Director, Telecommunications, 1,001 - 5,000 employees
A lightbulb

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Respondent Breakdown

Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 10.57.02

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Respondents: 100 sales professionals