Generative AI Tools in Sales

About this report

Data collection: March 3rd – April 22nd, 2023

Respondents: : 104 sales managers, directors, VPs, and C level leaders

Generative AI has gained significant attention and adoption recently as organizations and end users increasingly recognize the potential of this technology. Sales teams, in particular, are finding new and innovative ways to boost sales outcomes using these tools.

One minute insights:

  • Brain connections iconThree-quarters of respondents say their organization is currently deploying generative AI sales tools.
  • Graph chart up icon arrowOne-third (33%) say generative AI has improved the productivity of their sales team “a great deal.”
  • Communicating people person arrow icon37% of respondents believe generative AI tools would allow them to completely replace a person on their team while still producing the same results.
  • Shield check icon32% cite unforeseen cybersecurity risks as a barrier to adopting generative AI sales tools.

Sales enablement content driving high adoption of generative AI sales tools

Gauges: Is your organization currently deploying generative AI sales tools?

Three-quarters of respondents say their organization is currently deploying generative AI sales tools.

Is your organization currently deploying generative AI sales tools? Please define generative AI as: tools that create novel content, and don’t simply analyze or act on existing data. Generative AI tools produce text and images for blog posts, emails, images, and more.

n = 104

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding.

The two most common reasons teams decided to or are planning to adopt generative AI are to create sales enablement materials (51%) and create training or L&D content (43%).

What were the reasons your team decided to adopt or is planning to adopt generative AI sales tools? Select all that apply.

Bar chart: What were the reasons your team decided to adopt or is planning to adopt generative AI sales tools?

Write emails (i.e. for prospecting) 22% | Write whitepapers 20% | None of these <1% | Other 0%

n = 83

Note: Respondents only those who answered “Yes” to “Is your organization currently deploying generative AI sales tools?” or “Yes, we’re in the planning stage/development stage” to “Is your organization planning to deploy generative AI sales tools?

Many believe AI would allow them to replace a person on their team

Pie chart: Do you believe generative AI tools would allow you to completely replace a person on your team (e.g. operations, enablement, or admin) while still producing the same results?

37% of respondents believe generative AI tools would allow them to completely replace a person on their team while still producing the same results.

Do you believe generative AI tools would allow you to completely replace a person on your team (e.g. operations, enablement, or admin) while still producing the same results?


Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding.

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Question: What advice would you give to sales team leaders who are adopting generative AI for the first time?

Make sure that people come first - people buy people!

Manager, EMEA, Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation EMEA, 11-50 employees.

Of those who believe the technology needs to be more sophisticated before it can fully replace someone on their team, 42% believe that it will take another 1-2 years.

When do you believe generative AI tools will be sophisticated enough to completely replace a person on your team?

Chart: When do you believe generative AI tools will be sophisticated enough to completely replace a person on your team?

n = 36

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding.

Note: Respondents only those who answered “Yes, but not until the technology is better” to “Do you believe generative AI tools would allow you to completely replace a person on your team (e.g. operations, enablement, or admin) while still producing the same results?”

Bar chart: What roles do you think could be replaced?

Sales operations roles (42%) are the most common.

What roles do you think could be replaced? Select all that apply.

Other 0%

n = 38

Note: Respondents only those who answered “Yes” to “Do you believe generative AI tools would allow you to completely replace a person on your team (e.g. operations, enablement, or admin) while still producing the same results?”

Just 12% of respondents say that generative AI has not helped improve the productivity of their sales team, or it is too early to tell.

By how much has generative AI improved the productivity of your sales team?

Half circle chart: By how much has generative AI improved the productivity of your sales team?

n = 104

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Many are concerned customers are aware of their AI generated content

59% would be moderately or extremely concerned if their customer discovered content was AI generated.

How concerned would you be if a customer discovered content you or your team sent was completely AI generated?

Donut chart: How concerned would you be if a customer discovered content you or your team sent was completely AI generated?

n = 104

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding.

Over half (54%) of respondents believed their customers can always or often tell if their content is AI generated.

How often do you believe your customers can tell if your content is AI generated?

Donut chart: How often do you believe your customers can tell if your content is AI generated?

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding.

Question: What advice would you give to sales team leaders who are adopting generative AI for the first time?

Don't rely on it completely so that your customers will easily find out that you have used a generative AI tool.

Manager, Professional Services, APAC, 1,001 - 5,000 employees

The current lack of widespread adoption (51%) is the most common barrier to adopting generative AI sales tools. Less than one quarter (23%) do not see a business use case.

What are the main barriers to adopting generative AI sales tools? Select up to three.

Bar chart: What are the main barriers to adopting generative AI sales tools?

Regulatory or ethical concerns (e.g. deepfakes) 26% | Lack of business use case 23% | Lack of executive interest 18% | Investment risk (i.e. the value could drop) 17% | Costs 15% | None of these <1% | Other <1%

n = 104

Question: What advice would you give to sales team leaders who are adopting generative AI for the first time?

It can serve as a useful outline, however it lacks innovative thinking. It reports from past data.

Director, Telecommunications, North America, 1,001 - 5,000 employees

38% of organizations have not blocked usage of generative AI sales tools, 38% while 37% have blocked all usage of these tools.

Has your organization blocked generative AI in any capacity?

Half circle chart: Has your organization blocked generative AI in any capacity?

n = 104

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding.

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Respondent Breakdown

Map: Respondent breakdown