Generative AI and ChatGPT: Adoption and Use

About this report

Data collection: Mar 31, 2023 - Apr 4, 2023

Respondents: 200 IT leaders (CIO, VP of IT, Director of IT, Manager of IT)

With the potential for generative AI to transform business, technology leaders are eager to explore its benefits. The swift rise of ChatGPT further highlights its potential. Where do IT leaders say their organizations currently stand on adoption and use?

One minute insights:

  • Brain connections iconA majority of tech leaders report generative AI adoption beyond ChatGPT, but few are using it extensively
  • Graph chart up icon arrowMost tech leaders anticipate positive financial impact from large language models (LLMs) and generative AI over the next 24 months
  • Bomb explosion iconThe risks of generative AI have been discussed by a majority of executive leadership teams
  • Chat message dots iconChatGPT usage remains unrestricted for most organizations
  • Connections circle iconA majority of organizations lack ChatGPT usage policies, but one-third are actively developing them

Generative AI adoption levels vary; the top use case among adopters is data analysis and prediction

While most respondents (60%) report that their organizations use generative AI solutions beyond ChatGPT for specific applications, only 12% say they use the technology extensively, while 48% use it to a limited extent.

Is your organization currently employing generative AI beyond ChatGPT for any specific applications?*

Graph Is your organization currently employing generative AI beyond ChatGPT for any specific applications?*

n = 200

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding *Respondents who answered “Not sure” were eliminated from the survey.

Graph In what ways is your organization currently using generative AI? Select all that apply.

Tech leaders who say their organizations currently use generative AI beyond ChatGPT (n=119) cited data analysis and prediction (56%) and marketing and advertising (53%) as the top use cases.

About one-third say they are using it for operations and logistics (34%), research and development (32%), or fraud detection and cybersecurity (30%).

In what ways is your organization currently using generative AI? Select all that apply.

Product development 22% | Human resources 9% | Finance operations 5% | Other* 2%

Question shown only to leaders who answered "Yes, extensively" or "Yes, to a limited extent" to the question “Is your organization currently employing generative AI beyond ChatGPT for any specific applications?”

*Other: Development, Testing

Respondents who say their organizations either currently use or plan to use generative AI this year (n = 174) expect it to have the most significant impact on business process efficiency (62%) and customer experience (51%).

Which specific area(s) do you anticipate generative AI will have the most substantial impact within your organization this year? Select up to 3.

Graph Which specific area(s) do you anticipate generative AI will have the most substantial impact within your organization this year?

n = 174

Enhancing content creation 32% | Driving innovation and new product development 28% | None of these (generative AI will not have a substantial impact on us this year) 1% | Other 0% |

Question shown only to leaders who answered “Yes, extensively,” “Yes, to a limited extent” or “No, but we plan to this year” to the question “Is your organization currently employing generative AI beyond ChatGPT for any specific applications?”

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Question: Do you have any final thoughts to share on generative AI adoption?

Definitely using but cautiously and primarily for data analysis and business planning and forecasting at this point. Not using clinically.

C-suite, healthcare industry, 1,000 - 5,000 employees

I think there is a general nervousness about jumping in too soon here. I think in the next 6-12 months we will all get a better understanding of what and how we can leverage this to our advantage as businesses and as society.

C-suite, consumer goods industry, 1,000 - 5,000 employees

The potential risks of generative AI have become a board-level conversation at some organizations

Graph Potential risks of generative AI

66% of respondents say their executive leadership team has discussed the potential risks of generative AI.

Have the potential risks of generative AI been discussed by your executive leadership team?

n = 200

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Graph Risks of generative AI

Among respondents who reported that their organizations have a board of directors (n = 168), 40% say the board has addressed generative AI risk

Have the potential risks of generative AI been discussed by your board of directors?*

n = 168

*Question omits those who responded “Not applicable; we don't have a board of directors”

Tech leaders predict positive bottom-line impacts from large language models (LLMs) and generative AI apps; slightly fewer expect top-line impacts

66% of respondents expect that large language models (LLMs) and generative AI apps will have a positive impact on the bottom-line 66% financial performance of their organizations within the next two years.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement: “Within the next 24 months, I fully expect that large language models (LLMs) and generative AI apps will improve bottom-line financial performance of my organization.”

Graph To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement

n = 200

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Meanwhile, slightly fewer (59%) expect LLMs and generative AI apps will improve top-line financial performance within the next two years.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement: “Within the next 24 months, I fully expect that LLMs and generative AI apps will improve top-line financial performance of my organization.

Graph Do you agree  with this statement

n = 200

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Question: Do you have any final thoughts to share on generative AI adoption?

Generative AI has to be seriously considered despite its limitations and regulatory challenges, especially for people in high-regulated industries.

C-suite, finance industry, 1,000 - 5,000 employees

We are behind on embracing generative AI for security purposes, which is regrettable, because, predictably, malicious actors are not as behind.

Director, arts and entertainment industry, 10,000+ employees

The majority of organizations allow ChatGPT usage for all employees; one-third say their organizations are developing ChatGPT usage guidelines

Only 9% of respondents say their organization has completely restricted employee access to ChatGPT. An additional 9% say their organization has limited its usage to specific roles or departments.

19% of respondents say their organizations have not restricted access to ChatGPT, however employees have been advised not to use it.

Has your organization restricted access to ChatGPT for employees?

Graph Has your organization restricted access to ChatGPT for employees?

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

n = 200

Most respondents (79%) say their organizations do not currently have an acceptable use policy in place for ChatGPT, but 32% of respondents say their organizations are in the process of developing one.

Has your organization created a policy around acceptable use of ChatGPT for employees?

Graph Has your organization created a policy around acceptable use of ChatGPT for employees?

n = 200

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Graph ChatGPT for business purposes

69% of surveyed tech leaders say they are personally using ChatGPT for business purposes, with 21% acknowledging they’ve invested in a paid subscription.

Are you personally using ChatGPT for business purposes?

n = 200

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Question: Do you have any final thoughts to share on generative AI adoption?

The risk aspect of AI is still a work in progress, and we need to be very careful about the misuse, especially with corporate data.

Director, software industry, 1,000 - 5,000 employees

We see the huge benefits of generative AI but are taking baby steps with ChatGPT.

Director, professional services industry, 5,000 - 10,000 employees
A lightbulb

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Respondent breakdown

Graph Respondent breakdown

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Respondents: 200 IT leaders (CIO, VP of IT, Director of IT, Manager of IT)