Data Governance Software Deployment

About this report

Data collection: June 20, 2022 - January 30, 2023

Respondents: 300 IT leaders who use data governance software

Data governance policies are becoming more common, and to maximize their effectiveness, organizations are seeking to pair these policies with software solutions. In a world of exponentially increasing data, governance applies to how data is gathered, stored, processed, and disposed of.

How are organizations evaluating data governance software, and what features are they satisfied with?

One minute insights:

  • Data base db iconMore than half of respondents report simplified data management after deploying data governance software
  • Tools settings iconJust 14% of teams deployed tools as the result of a fine for non-compliance
  • graph icon chip74% of IT leaders are moderately or very satisfied with the results of their tool deployment
  • Graph Down arrow iconDespite these benefits, 42% find it a challenge to make the business case when deploying data governance software

Reducing complexity and simplifying data management

The top three reasons teams decided to adopt data governance software are to improve reporting in case of an audit (64%), to reduce geographic compliance complexity (54%), and to reduce technological compliance complexity (53%).

What are the most common causes of technical debt?

What are the most common causes of technical debt?

n = 300

Mandate-specific requirements (i.e., does your local government require the use of data governance software?) 20%, Scaled-up data initiatives 19%, We were fined for non-compliance 14%, Leadership requisition 13%, Talent limitations (e.g., skills gaps, lack of headcount) 1%, None of these <1%, Other <1%

Which tool(s) are you using for data governance?

The top five (5) answers written in were:

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 10.00.23

n = 300

IT leaders cite ease of use (30%) and integration (27%) as the aspects of their data governance software deployment they are very satisfied with.

Please rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of your data governance software deployment.

Please rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of your data governance software deployment.

n = 300

What benefits have you seen from data governance software deployment in your organization?

What benefits have you seen from data governance software deployment in your organization?

Organizations have seen simplified data management (53%), a reduced number of compliance breaches (52%), and improved record keeping (46%) since deploying data governance software.

Reduced number of security incidents 33%, Improved automation 33%, Improved end-user data best practices 26%, Simplified geographic expansion 15%, Yielded actionable insights 17%, None of these <1%, Other (fill in) <1%

n = 300

Selecting the right tool at the right price is still a challenge

More than half of respondents (51%) report finding the right tool as one of their top challenges to deploying data governance software.

What are the top challenges to data governance software deployment in your organization?

What are the top challenges to data governance software deployment in your organization?

n = 300

End-user behavior (i.e., are end users following data protocols/willing to adapt?) 30%, Lack of automation 19%, Executive support 18%, Lack of actionable insights 1%, None of these <1%, Other (fill in) <1%

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Respondent Breakdown

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 10.09.27