Change Management Strategy for Marketers

About this report

Data collection: February 13th - May 13th, 2023

Respondents: 100 marketing leaders

Change management is an inescapable business truth, and that is no exception for marketing teams. In order to adapt to evolving market conditions, implement ever-changing marketing technologies and adapt to shifting customer expectations, marketers must be ready to adapt and change their strategies.

What is the state of change management across marketing teams today? What perceived benefits are most expected, and what frustrations have marketers experienced adapting to change management?

One minute insights:

  • user person iconAlignment with leadership was identified as a top factor when navigating change management among marketers.
  • Thumbs down hand iconPoor leadership was a top selected frustration marketers have faced during times of organizational change management throughout their careers.
  • Setup config settings iconStrategic shifts, digital transformation, and supporting new leadership were identified as primary reasons change management was needed at organizations
  • Improvement arrow graph iconMany marketers report their organizations are using external partners in some of their change management processes, or, in some cases, to run the entirety of the project.
  • Down Graph iconMost marketers agree that change without change management will fail.

More than half of marketers report using external partners to direct their change management to some degree, and most are satisfied with change management overall

Is your organization currently undergoing change management?

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Most marketing leaders (82%) report their organization is currently undergoing change management. Just 13% said their organization’s are not undergoing change management.

n = 100

Is your organization planning for a period of change management?

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n = 18

Yes, in less than 1 month 0% | Yes, within 10-12 months 0%

Question asked only to respondents who answered ‘no’ or ‘not sure’ to the question, “Is your organization currently undergoing change management?”

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Among respondents who report their organization is currently undergoing change management, most (51%) say external partners are either primarily overseeing change management (21%), or are engaged in certain aspects of change management (30%).

Did you engage an external partner(s) to oversee change management?

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n = 82

Question asked only to respondents who answered ‘yes’ to the question, “Is your organization currently undergoing change management?”

Among surveyed marketers who engage with external partners to oversee change management, 71% would recommend the external partner to a peer.

Would you recommend the external partner to a peer?

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n = 42

Question asked only to respondents who answered ‘primarily managed by an external partner’ or ‘external partner engaged for certain aspects’ to the question, “Did you engage an external partner(s) to oversee change management? AND respondents who answered ‘yes’ to, “Is your organization currently undergoing change management?”

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Two-thirds of respondents (66%) say they are using software-based tools as part of their change management efforts.

Are you using any software-based tool(s) as part of the change management efforts?

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n = 82

Question asked only to respondents who answered ‘yes’ to the question, “Is your organization currently undergoing change management?”

Are you satisfied with the impact of the change management initiative so far?

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48% of surveyed marketers are very or moderately satisfied with the impact of change management initiatives at their organization so far. However, nearly half of marketing professionals (43%) say it’s too early to tell.

Very dissatisfied 0%

n = 82

Question asked only to respondents who answered ‘yes’ to the question, “Is your organization currently undergoing change management?”

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

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Question: If you could go back in time, how would you change your approach to change management?

Start sooner and communicate more are always two things that can be done better.

Director, healthcare industry, 5,001 - 10,000 employees

I would initiate the change exercise with onboarding all concerned even before the exercise is initiated and communicate the purpose, vision and end goal with everyone instead of just giving individual responsibilities of their domain / track to teams or track owners.

Manager, consumer goods industry, 10,00+ employees

Marketers report their organizations are turning to change management to meet strategic shifts, and most believe leadership alignment is a key factor in navigating change

Among respondents undergoing change management, the three most selected reasons their organization currently needs change management are a strategic shift (55%), digital transformation efforts (49%), and new leadership (37%).

What was the reason behind your current need for change management? Select all that apply.

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n = 93

None of these 4% | Other (fill in) 0%

Question asked only to respondents who answered ‘yes’ to the question, “Is your organization currently undergoing change management?” AND respondents who answered ‘yes, in less than 1 month,’ ‘yes, within 1-3 months,’ ‘yes, within 4-6 months,’ ‘yes, within 7-9 months,’ ‘yes, within 10-12 months,’ ‘yes, in more than 12 months’ or ‘yes, unknown timeline’ to the question, “Is your organization planning for a period of change management?”

Other than achieving a successful outcome, which of the following is your top perceived benefit of change management?

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The most selected perceived benefit to change management, among surveyed marketers, is reduced time to execute vision (26%).

Empower the silent majority (help employees to express feedback) 11% | None of these 1% | Other (fill in) 0%

n = 100

Factors selected most frequently by respondents when asked which are most critical when navigating a period of change are leadership alignment (66%), employee feedback (62%) and communication (55%).

Which of the following are critical factors when navigating a period of change? Select all that apply.

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Understanding impact on employees 42% | Willingness to course-correct 40% | Time investment 36% | Management support 34% | Customer feedback 33% | Parting ways with those who don’t share the vision 11% | None of these 0% | Other (fill in) 1%

*Other text: Right technology & processes

n = 100

Question: If you could go back in time, how would you change your approach to change management?

Align all stakeholders together with realistic objectives and give time to change.

Director, educational services industry, 1,001 - 5,000 employees

I would opt for better alignment of all possible parties -- directly or indirectly being affected by change. Also, better communication.

VP, professional services industry, 10,00+ employees

Better communication from leadership.

Director, software industry, 1,001 - 5,000 employees

Involve more people.

VP, software industry, 10,00+ employees

When considering any issues experienced during organizational change throughout their careers, surveyed marketers selected poor leadership from those leading change efforts (52%), lack of employee feedback (46%), and employee burnout due to the extra burden of change (41%) most frequently.

Thinking about periods of organizational change at any point in your career, have you experienced any of the following issues? Select all that apply.

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n = 100

Poorly defined roadmap 36% | Insufficient time frame (change period is too long or too short) 34% | Failure to communicate value of change 31% | Failure to identify influential dissenters 20% | Strategy fixed with no ability to course correct 18% | None of these 2% | Other (fill in) 0%

Most respondents (87%) agree or strongly agree that change without change management is likely to fail. Just 3% of marketers disagree.

To what extent do you agree with the following: “Change without change management is likely to fail.”

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n = 100

Strongly disagree 0%

A lightbulb

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Respondent Breakdown

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