Change Management for Data and Analytics

About this report

Data collection: Apr 1 - Aug 3, 2023

Respondents: 100 IT and data and analytics leaders involved in change management for data and analytics at their organizations

As the role and importance of data and analytics (D&A) evolves, leaders must implement changes to their D&A function. How do they manage resistance to change and avoid common pitfalls when implementing D&A change initiatives?

One minute insights:

  • icon graph reflesh upChange management is a formal program within D&A strategies
  • Automation settings config iconLeaders use change management frameworks and purchased solutions to facilitate efforts
  • Thinking man person iconResistance to change often stems from too much change at once
  • Calendar iconWhen change initiatives encounter too much resistance, leaders return to them at a later date

Most have formalized change management for D&A but primary responsibility varies

Is a formal change management program part of your broader data and analytics (D&A) strategy?

Is a formal change management program part of your broader data and analytics (D&A) strategy?

84% of respondents have formalized change management programs as part of their broader D&A strategy.

n = 100

For more than a quarter of respondents (27%), primary responsibility for D&A change management lies with the CDAO or equivalent role. 25% say the CIO is primarily responsible, while 21% have a dedicated role that owns D&A change management responsibility.

Who is primarily responsible for D&A change management in your organization?

Who is primarily responsible for D&A change management in your organization?

D&A change management committee 4% | Not sure 2% | Other 0%

n = 100

Overall, how satisfied are you with D&A change management at your organization?

Overall, how satisfied are you with D&A change management at your organization?

63% of respondents are moderately satisfied with D&A change management at their organization, while nearly a quarter (24%) describe their feelings as neutral.

0% Very dissatisfied

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Question: Where do leaders most often go wrong when trying to implement D&A change initiatives?

One of the main mistakes is not having a well-defined vision and strategy for the D&A change initiatives.

Director, software industry, 10,000+ employees

Not emphasizing the risk of a formal change control process. The risk of unauthorized or untested changes can damage organizational reputation if critical data is breached or [a] critical application is not available.

Director, educational services industry, 5,000 - 10,000 employees

Leaders facilitate change with frameworks and models and track the business outcomes

50% of all respondents (n = 100) have implemented a change management framework or model to help facilitate D&A change initiatives in their organizations. 49% have a change management solution, and 44% use data literacy initiatives as change facilitators.

Have you implemented any of the following to help facilitate D&A change initiatives in your organization? Select all that apply.

Have you implemented any of the following to help facilitate D&A change initiatives in your organization? Select all that apply.

n = 100

Consistent and simple messaging for internal communication 26% | Data-centric translator role 24% | Included line of business (LOB) experts in the ideation stage 23% | Pilot solutions to illustrate benefits of change 20% | Measure and present deficiencies in the current system 12% | Other 0%

What D&A change management metrics do you track? Select all that apply.

What D&A change management metrics do you track? Select all that apply.

Common metrics used to track change management (n = 82) include business outcome metrics (68%), time to deploy change (51%), time-to-benefits after change (43%), and changes completed (43%).

Emergency changes 26% | Change-related incidents 24% | Which teams are impacted 23% | Unauthorized changes 22% | Changes canceled 18% | Frequency of impacts on teams 11% | Top change initiators 5% | Other 0%

All respondents, excluding those who selected “We do not track any D&A change management metrics”

Common D&A change management pitfalls

Question: Where do leaders most often go wrong when trying to implement D&A change initiatives?

Lack of a strong change management framework and lack of management buy-in with possible outcomes is something where leaders go wrong.

VP, professional services industry, 1,000 - 5,000 employees

Inadequate training. Even before solutions are created the organization needs to be told about tools: how they can be used, how will it simplify their life, what are the advantages.

VP, manufacturing industry, 1,000 - 5,000 employees

Resistance to change is common but rarely insurmountable

While nearly all respondents (99%) had encountered resistance to D&A change initiatives at their organization, 48% say they were mostly able to overcome them and 8% now have a culture of change.

Were you able to overcome resistance to D&A change initiatives at your organization?

Were you able to overcome resistance to D&A change initiatives at your organization?

The most commonly encountered resistance to change initiatives is a difficulty with the amount of change, cited by 52% of respondents. 45% have experienced resistance due to concerns that the change will be too much work.

More than a third have seen insufficient interest in upskilling (39%) or perception of limited freedom (37%) as inhibitors to change initiatives at their organization.

When trying to implement D&A change initiatives, what types of resistance have you experienced in your organization? Select all that apply.

When trying to implement D&A change initiatives, what types of resistance have you experienced in your organization? Select all that apply.

Insufficient capacity for training 32% | Perception that current systems are sufficient 27% | Concern there will not be good ROI 24% | Concern about job security (e.g., introducing automation) 20% | Confusion about how changes will impact organizational structure 19% | Lack of trust/confidence in D&A function 16% | We haven’t encountered any resistance 1% | Other 0%

n = 100

Question: Where do leaders most often go wrong when trying to implement D&A change initiatives?

Changing too quickly and not allowing employees to adapt to new methods and new approaches.

Director, manufacturing industry, 1,000 - 5,000 employees

Assuming everyone wants the same outcome, alignment takes time when others have competing priorities.

VP, utilities industry, 1,000 - 5,000 employees

Even if leaders have to abandon change initiatives, they usually return to them at a later date

Have you ever chosen to move on from a planned D&A change initiative because the resistance to change was too difficult to overcome at the time?

Have you ever chosen to move on from a planned D&A change initiative because the resistance to change was too difficult to overcome at the time?

More than half (56%) of respondents who have experienced resistance (n = 99) have had to abandon planned D&A change initiatives due to insurmountable resistance.

Question shown only to respondents who did not answer “I haven't encountered resistance to D&A change initiatives” to “Were you able to overcome resistance to D&A change initiatives at your organization?”

n = 99

Did you return to that D&A change initiative at a later date?

Did you return to that D&A change initiative at a later date?

However, among those who did move on from a planned D&A change initiative (n = 55), most (64%) said they later returned to the planned initiative and none have abandoned their planned changes for good.

Question shown only to respondents who answered “Yes” to “Have you ever chosen to move on from a planned D&A change initiative because the resistance to change was too difficult to overcome at the time?”

No, never 0%

n = 55

Common D&A change management pitfalls

Question: Where do leaders most often go wrong when trying to implement D&A change initiatives?

Not convincing people of why the change makes sense. Aiming [for] too much change in too little time. Complicated messaging that does not make the impact and goal of change clear.

Manager, finance industry, 10,000+ employees

It is not a technical message, it should be a business approach always.

C-suite, utilities industry, 10,000+ employees
A lightbulb

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Respondent Breakdown

Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 15.36.13

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding.

Respondents: 100 IT and data and analytics leaders involved in change management for data and analytics at their organizations