How are B2B marketers building successful brand campaigns?

About this report

Data collection: July 11th - August 11th 2023

Respondents: 82 B2B marketers

To facilitate long term success, it’s critical for organizations to manage their brand’s image and awareness. Building a B2B brand that creates trust and drives sales is challenging, but not impossible.

How are B2B marketers creating winning brand campaigns? What channels and content do they turn to, and how do they appeal to their target audiences?

One minute insights:

  • Substitution person iconB2B marketers focus equally on emotional and factual content across brand campaigns
  • sound voice talk noise iconDigital marketing, content marketing and events are top selected marketing channels for B2B brand campaigns
  • Graph circle iconB2B marketers agree an omnichannel approach is critical to B2B brand cam- paign success
  • page paper document iconWhite papers, case studies and customer testimonials are top used content types for B2B brand campaigns

B2B brand campaigns should focus on creative content and a consistent brand voice

Over a third (37%) of marketers say factual information is most important to the success of a B2B brand campaign, compared to 20% who say emotional appeal is more important. 44% say both are equally important.

In your opinion, which is more important to the success of a B2B brand campaign, emotional appeal or factual information?

In your opinion, which is more important to the success of a B2B brand campaign, emotional appeal or factual information?

Unsure 0%

n = 82

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

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Question: What are some most important lessons you've learned about successful B2B brand campaigns?

Develop a distinct and consistent brand voice across channels. This boosts recognition and retention. Focus on search, social and PR to expand reach beyond existing contacts.

Director, retail industry, 10,000+ employees

Trust and reliability are the biggest core concerns for most B2B transactions so ensuring your brand has elements of those two brand personas in executions is extremely helpful.

VP, telecommunications services industry, 5,000 - 10,000 employees

Brand is just as important as it is for B2C. People buy with emotions and then rationalize their decision. The customer journey matters. Disconnected touchpoints drive doubt.

Director, educational services industry, <1,000 employees

Creative content with valuable information is very useful for a brand that makes itself known.

C-suite, educational services industry, <1,000 employees

B2B marketers recommend an omnichannel approach to brand campaigns

Digital marketing (77%), content marketing (72%) and event marketing (66%) are the most commonly selected channels marketers use to drive successful B2B brand campaigns.

In your opinion, what channels drive the most success for B2B brand campaigns? Select all that apply.

In your opinion, what channels drive the most success for B2B brand campaigns? Select all that apply.

Print marketing (e.g., print ads, newspapers, magazines, etc.) 20% | Traditional advertising (e.g. billboards, tv, public ads, etc.) 17% | Telemarketing 9% | Unsure 0%

n = 82

Nearly half (46%) of B2B marketers say an omnichannel approach has a significant impact on the success of B2B brand campaigns.

To what degree does an omnichannel approach (i.e., using all readily available marketing channels) impact the success of B2B brand campaigns?

To what degree does an omnichannel approach (i.e., using all readily available marketing channels) impact the success of B2B brand campaigns?

No impact at all 0% | Unsure 0%

n = 82

Question: What are some most important lessons you've learned about successful B2B brand campaigns?

B2B Marketing is transforming into personal marketing. People sell to people. Therefore the right messaging at the right time in the right channel. Sometimes it feels like finding a needle in a haystack.

Director, professional services industry, <1,000 employees

We moved from a traditional "spray and pray" approach to mostly account-based marketing, which has worked much better for B2B. Focused targeting toward an account and/or individuals allows us to market very relevant content. At the same time, SEM & retargeting keep the brand visible to a broader audience, followed by targeted emails/calls at the next stage of the funnel. Channels like webinars & physical events improve credibility, trust, and establish thought leadership.

C-suite, software industry, <1,000 employees

Focus on solving a specific challenge or issue the target audience cares about. Don't take a product-centric approach. Leverage thought leadership content like blogs, research reports, and webinars that provide value. Avoid overly promotional content..

C-suite, software industry, 10,000+ employees

Use personalized white papers, case studies and testimonials for campaign success

In your opinion, what kinds of content have the most impact on the success of a B2B brand campaign? Select all that apply.

In your opinion, what kinds of content have the most impact on the success of a B2B brand campaign? Select all that apply.

White papers (62%), case studies (54%) and customer testimonials (52%) are the types of content B2B marketers report have the most impact on brand campaigns.

Industry collaborative content 29% | Blog posts 28% | Newsletters 24% | Live conference presentations 22%

n = 82

94% of B2B marketers say personalized marketing is very (50%) or somewhat (44%) important to the success of brand campaigns. Just 1% say it is somewhat unimportant.

In your opinion, how important is personalized marketing to the success of B2B brand campaigns today?

In your opinion, how important is personalized marketing to the success of B2B brand campaigns today?

Question: What are some most important lessons you've learned about successful B2B brand campaigns?

Question: Is there anything else you would like to share about developing a successful B2B brand campaign?

Question: Is there anything else you would like to share about developing a successful B2B brand campaign?

Align messages to the different roles and personas involved in B2B purchases. Speak to their specific motivations. Use a mix of channels - social media, events, email, paid media - to reach buyers throughout the journey.

C-suite, retail industry, 10,000+ employees

In essence, B2B branding relies on conveying expertise and ROI while B2C branding aims to build an emotional connection with the consumer. Both require crafting resonant messaging but B2B must speak to a niche professional audience.

Director, retail industry, 10,000+ employees

There is no one thing that solves B2B selling, all things need to be working together.

Director, telecommunications industry, <1,000 employees
A lightbulb

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Respondent Breakdown

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Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Respondents: 82 B2B marketers