Addressing the Gender Gap

About this report

Data collection: March 11th – September 15th, 2023

Respondents: 52 HR professionals whose organizations conduct gender equity analysis of their workforce

Building a culture of equitability for women and gender diverse employees

In today’s work culture, it is critical for organizations to create a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment. Although many organizations have made great strides in DE&I over the past few years, women and gender diverse employees are still underrepresented in leadership and on the board.

How are organizations addressing this gender gap?

One minute insights:

  • Calendar iconMost organizations analyze gender equity at least quarterly
  • Manager person iconWomen and gender diverse individuals most typically account for about a fifth of senior leadership
  • Group person people iconWomen and gender diverse people make up less than 10% of boards for many organizations
  • Zig Zag Arrow Up iconOrganizations are deploying networking, professional development and ERG opportunities for women and gender diverse people

Most organizations run gender equity analysis quarterly, but many leave out gender diverse identities

Among organizations who have conducted gender equity analysis of their workforce (n=52), 29% say their organization does this analysis quarterly, the most commonly selected cadence.

How frequently does your organization conduct equity analysis across gender demographics?

How frequently does your organization conduct equity analysis across gender demographics?

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

n = 52

Less than two-thirds (60%) of organizations include gender minority identities (e.g., transgender individuals) in their gender equity analysis. Just 10% say their organization plans to change this.

Does your organization include gender minorities (i.e. transgender people, nonbinary people, gender nonconforming people, etc.) in your gender equity analysis?

Does your organization include gender minorities in your gender equity analysis?

n = 52

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Women and gender-diverse people not equally represented in leadership nor on the board

8% of respondents say there are no women/gender diverse people on their board, and no organizations have a board with over 50% women/gender diverse people. Most commonly 1 10% of board members fall into this category (27%).

What percentage of your organization’s board members are women and/or other gender minority talent?

What percentage of your organization’s board members are women and/or other gender minority talent?

50% or more 0%

n = 52

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Likewise, 8% of HR professionals report there are no women/ gender diverse people in a senior leadership position at their organization. Additionally, no respondents reported having a senior leadership team with 50% or more women/gender diverse people.

What percentage of senior leadership within your organization are women and/or other gender minority talent?

What percentage of senior leadership within your organization are women and/or other gender minority talent?

50% or more 0%

n = 52

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

To retain women and gender diverse talent, orgs turn to professional development and flexible work arrangements

The most commonly selected benefit HR professionals report their organization has in place to retain women and gender diverse talent is networking and professional development opportunities (67%).

What programs, if any, does your organization have in place to attract and retain women and gender diverse talent? Select all that apply

What programs, if any, does your organization have in place to attract and retain women and gender diverse talent?

n = 52

Over three quarters of respondents report their organization offers flexible working arrangements (77%) for employees with caregiving responsibilities, and 67% offer parental leave.

What options does your organization provide to employees with caregiving responsibilities (i.e. parents, guardians, caretakers, etc.)? Select all that apply.

What options does your organization provide to employees with caregiving responsibilities (i.e. parents, guardians, caretakers, etc.)?

Other 2%

n = 52

Other includes: Period Leaves

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Question: What are the best ways to recruit men to be allies and champions of gender equity within an

[Provide] training [and] promoting, not just supporting your women but also men and giving relevant benefits.

Director, finance, banking and insurance, 1,000 - 5,000 employees

Men can be allies if they are a part of [the] recruiting team and understand the circumstances women and DEI candidates go through in their life.

Manager, professional services industry, <1,000 employees
A lightbulb

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Respondent Breakdown

Respondent Breakdown

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Respondents: 52 HR professionals whose organizations conduct gender equity analysis of their workforce